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an employees’share system
雇员持股制度  detail>>
federal employees retirement system
联邦雇员退休制度  detail>>
从业人员 人数 提交者 要求他们在全厂 员工表 职工  detail>>
 n.  (pl. hares, 〔集合词〕hare) 1.野兔。 2.怪人,傻瓜。 3.〔英俚〕坐车不买票的人。  短...  detail>>
accounting as an information system
作为信息处理系统的会计  detail>>
an efficient new system
有效的新系统  detail>>
an income distribution system
收入分配制度  detail>>
an innovation system
创新体系  detail>>
an network management system
接入网管理系统  detail>>
frame an elimination system
形成淘汰制度  detail>>
ground system of an antenna
天线的接地系统 天线接地系统  detail>>
ka an system
看板系统  detail>>
system management function of an
接入网系统管理功能  detail>>
an-smf an system management function
接入网系统管理功能  detail>>
varving hare; snow hare
雪兔  detail>>
a state with an adequate legal system
法制国家  detail>>
an all-inclucive legal system
完备的法制  detail>>
an inflexible attitude rule system
不可改变的态度  detail>>